

Python from Zero (Day 0)

Categories Programming, Python

What will you learn?

  • The basics of Python programming
  • Apply programming logic
  • Python programming language syntax
  • What can python be used for?
  • The basics to make chatbots (final roadmap project) and web pages (soon a web development course with python).

Course program

A course of

Alejandro Sosa
Alejandro Sosa
Python Developer

Intended for

  • Adults
  • Teenagers
  • Children

Get personalized support and guidance for your "Python from Zero (Day 0)" course for only 10 USD. Enjoy a one-hour video call through Google Meet to solve all your doubts and receive direct guidance from our experts. Upon payment, send an email to  profalejandrososa@teambots.tech with proof of payment. The schedule will be confirmed and coordinated by email and the link to the video call will be sent by the same means. The available times for the consultation with Professor Ale are Saturdays or Sundays, according to his availability. In case of needing another day, it must be previously agreed by mail.

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